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The Hover Hand

What is a hover hand? It is a phenomenon that occurs when some guys have their pictures taken with a woman. For some reason they feel uncomfortable touching a woman, so their hand hovers about an inch from their bodies. Fascinating. Check out Hoverhand a blog dedicated to this phenomenon.


The 10 Most Pirated Films of 2010

Here’s the full list of the 10 most pirated films and number of downloads as recorded by TorrentFreak.

1.Avatar / 16,580,000
2.Kick-Ass / 11,400,000
3.Inception / 9,720,000
4.Shutter Island / 9,490,000
5.Iron Man 2 / 8,810,000
6.Clash of the Titans / 8,040,000
7.Green Zone / 7,730,000
8.Sherlock Holmes / 7,160,000
9.The Hurt Locker / 6,850,000
10.Salt / 6,700,000

North Korea bombards South Korea with hostile faxes

North Korea is sending an onslaught of faxes to South Korea, blaming its neighbor for tensions over a disputed island, an official said Wednesday.

Earlier this month, faxes started arriving at South Korean companies, South Korean Unification Ministry deputy spokeswoman Lee Jong-joo said Wednesday. The faxes blame South Korea for the November 23 artillery attack on Yeonpyeong Island. Four South Koreans, two military personnel and two civilians, died when North Korea hit the island with artillery.

Why the other shopping line is likely to move faster

Bill reveals how “queueing theory” – developed by engineers to route phone calls – can be used to find the most efficient arrangement of cashiers and check out lines. He reports on the work of Agner Erlang, a Danish engineer who, at the opening of the 20th century, helped the Copenhagen Telephone Company provide the best level of service at the lowest price.