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Category: News

Audi Cam Streams Video of Your Repairs

If you are as overprotective of your car as I am, this new program from Audi that allows you to watch your car being repaired (from the mechanic’s POV) will definitely help calm your nerves.

Think of it as lifecasting for your mechanic. When you bring your vehicle in to the shop for repairs, you’re connected to a technician via a two-way radio and a headset video camera. If there’s any sort of problem, the tech can contact you over the radio and vice-versa. Even better, owners get to sit in the comfy waiting room and watch the action from screens there.

1970s BP board game ‘Oil thrills’

A rare 1970s BP game – yes, that’s the company badge on the box – promises all the ‘thrills of drilling’ offshore, with the first player to earn $120million being crowned the winner.

But little did they know their drilling exploits would come back to haunt them. Up to four would-be tycoons can compete at exploring for oil, building platforms and laying pipelines to their home countries.

But BP Offshore Oil Strike players must also avoid the dreaded ‘hazard cards’, which state: ‘Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1million.’

Lenovo: Apple Losing Out in China

Liu Chuanzhi, head-honcho at Lenovo, had a few interesting things to say about Steve Jobs and Apple. Get this:

Speaking of Apple’s chief executive, Lenovo’s founder and chairman, told the Financial Times: “We are lucky that Steve Jobs has such a bad temper and doesn’t care about China. If Apple were to spend the same effort on the Chinese consumer as we do, we would be in trouble.”


Che Guevara’s Secret Diary

Mike Tyson’s mighty rib cage boasts a sizeable tattoo of the late Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a testament to Guevara’s status as the marker of subversive cool. It’s a safe bet that Tyson hasn’t read The African Dream, Guevara’s recently released “diaries of the revolutionary war in the Congo.”

Indeed, Che’s comments on his African brothers might just send Iron Mike to the nearest laser specialist. “Given the prevailing lack of discipline, it would have been impossible to use Congolese machine-gunners to defend the base from air attack: they did not know how to handle their weapons and did not want to learn,” noted Guevara in a typical moment of condescension.