Microsoft: Xbox 720 Reportedly Coming Fall 2013
|Microsoft will ship the next version of the Xbox game console in October or November 2013, IGN reports, citing “sources close the the project.”
The gaming news site says that mass production of the system’s GPU will begin at the end of 2012, and will be based on Advanced Micro Devices‘ 6000 series processors. The site says the chip will be similar to the Radeon HD 6670, “which offers support for DirectX11, multidisplay output, 3D and 1080p HD output.”
IGN says that the new console – the Xbox 720 – will have 6x the raw graphics processing power as the 360, and will have 20% higher performance than the new console coming from Nintendo, the Wii U.
According to IGN, developers are likely to receive development kits based on the system’s final configuration in August.