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Month: August 2011

The Roads In North Dakota Are Giving People Cancer

In Dunn County, North Dakota, the roads can kill you. In fact, anything you do to disturb rocks in the area, like driving or even sweeping, can kick up naturally-occurring particles that lodge in your body and give you a rare kind of lung cancer up to 30 years later.

Dunn County, you see, is home to a lot of rocks containing erionite, an asbestos-like substance that’s highly toxic. Unfortunately, nobody knew that until very recently. And so at least 300 miles of roads in North Dakota are paved with the stuff.

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Chinese Couple Sells Their Kids to Fund Gaming Habit

The strangest news comes out of China. According to ABC News, a Chinese couple sold their three children to use the money they made from the sale in video games.

Sanxiang City News reported that the parents, both under the age of 21, sold their kids to fund their gaming habit at internet cafes, where they played games. In 2009, Li Lin and Li Juan sold their second child, a baby girl, for less than $500. Girls being worth less than boys in China, they decided to go all in and sold their first child, a boy, for $4600. Their third child, also a boy, was sold for the same amount.

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