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Viacom Sold Rock Band Franchise for $49.99?!?

Here’s what happens when a red-hot video game franchise goes cold: You can buy the whole company for the same price as a single copy of the game.

I had a hunch that Viacom sold off Harmonix, which makes the Rock Band games, at a steep discount last month. But I’m still surprised it was this cheap: I’m told that investment group Columbus Nova paid $49.99 — the list price for “Rock Band 3″ — and got the entire company.

2 girls undermine entire US border strategy in under 18 seconds

Since the mid-1990s, the US has built fencing at various points along the southern border in an attempt to deter would-be immigrants from Mexico. Building the fence isn’t cheap. On average, each mile of border fence costs US taxpayers about $4 million to build and will cost another $6.5 billion over the next 20 years to repair and maintain.

Are we getting our money’s worth? Is the border fence an effective deterrent? To find out, I asked two young women—both only about 5’5″—to see if they could climb the wall. Check it out…

The average American watches 34 hours of television per week

Americans watched more television than ever in 2010, according to the Nielsen Company. Total viewing of broadcast networks and basic cable channels rose about 1 percent for the year, to an average of 34 hours per person per week.

The generation-long shift to cable from broadcast continued, but subtly, as the smallest of the big four broadcast networks, NBC, still retained more than twice as many viewers as the largest basic cable channel, USA.

Burger King Creates Brussels Sprouts Whopper

Publicity stunt, epic troll, or earnest attempt to get today’s youths interested in Brussels sprouts? You be the judge. Over the holidays, Burger King UK offered the limited-edition Sprout Surprise Whopper in select stores for the same price as a normal Whopper, explaining that “we wanted to create a recipe that would challenge existing sprout perceptions, and genuinely make sprouts a flavour to be reckoned with.” In addition to Brussels sprouts, the burger was topped with Emmental cheese.