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Category: Funny

What Is the Evolutionary Purpose of Tickling?

You probably know that you can’t tickle yourself. And although you might be able to tickle a total stranger, your brain also strongly discourages you from doing something so socially awkward.

These facts offer insight into tickling’s evolutionary purpose, says Robert R. Provine, a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland and the author of the book Laughter: A Scientific Investigation. Tickling, he says, is partly a mechanism for social bonding between close companions and helps forge relationships between family members and friends.

The Hover Hand

What is a hover hand? It is a phenomenon that occurs when some guys have their pictures taken with a woman. For some reason they feel uncomfortable touching a woman, so their hand hovers about an inch from their bodies. Fascinating. Check out Hoverhand a blog dedicated to this phenomenon.


Why the other shopping line is likely to move faster

Bill reveals how “queueing theory” – developed by engineers to route phone calls – can be used to find the most efficient arrangement of cashiers and check out lines. He reports on the work of Agner Erlang, a Danish engineer who, at the opening of the 20th century, helped the Copenhagen Telephone Company provide the best level of service at the lowest price.