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Month: October 2011

General Motors’ Anti-Bicycling Advertising Campaign

If you are a student looking to add tens of thousands of dollars of long term debt, care little about the environment, and want pay through the nose for insurance, gas, and parking…GM has got a perfect deal for you. Bonus: it’ll make you fat and unhealthy! All you have to do is give up that dorky bicycle that’s easy to use, practically free, gets you some exercise and is actually fun to ride.

In case you were wondering, GM has a fine-sounding corporate responsibility statement: “As a responsible corporate citizen, General Motors is dedicated to protecting human health, natural resources and the global environment.”

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Making Everyday Objects Deadly: The Art of the Shiv

A shiv is a weapon crafted from the limited resources of a prisoner’s closed world. Crudely constructed from such things as spoons, shoelaces and upholstery tacks, shivs lie somewhere between the graceful and the grotesque. They’re primitive, too — like outsider art, but produced deep on the inside.

The individual parts that make up a shiv tend to be everyday objects, innocent things furtively reconstituted as lethal weapons. Each design choice is essential, but what’s particularly notable is that shivs, at their core, are not so much evocations of minimalism as they are symbols of survivalism. A shiv is all about masked utility: it’s an innocuous object with improbably toxic intent (whether used to attack others or to protect oneself…)

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Survey Says: Gamers Don’t Want 3D

​It looks like 3D is here to stay but, according to a recent survey, gamers don’s seem too keen to have it injected into their hobby of choice.

3D is in the title of Nintendo’s newest handheld, Sony is pushing the technology with the PlayStation 3 and rumors have begun circulating that the next Xbox console might incorporate it as well.

But, according to games comparison and marketplace guru, the (slight) majority of the masses don’t want to see it in their games.

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