Die Hard 5 officially titled ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’
|In any case, this means that before settling on A Good Day to Die Hard, Rothman and Fox must’ve rejected any number of “die” title puns, which may or may not have included:
•Die Hard Another Day
•Live and Let Die Hard
•2000 Ways to Die Hard
•Romeo Must Die Hard
•Die, Die, Die Hard My Darling
•To Die Hard For
•Funny or Die Hard
•Get Rich or Die Hard Tryin’
•John Tucker Must Die Hard
•The Quick and the Die Hard
•Things to Do in Denver When You’re Die Hard
•The Die Harder They Come
•Die Hard Ticket to Hawaii
•Damn, Girl, You’re Gettin’ Me So Die Hard Right Now
•To Live and Die Hard in LA
•Boys Don’t Cry Hard
•Pie Hard
•Schindler’s Die Hard