AAHAHAHAH, you guys r so dum, lincon wasnt even around when internet is,.
This is one of the smartest things Lincoln ever said. Very wise man.
John I guess you didn’t get the irony of this. Read the actual message of the quote.
you are a fucking idiot john
Omg I can’t stop laughing 🙂
Everyone above this line just got trolled.
lol 2 funny
Hurrrr, funneh stuffs up thar
john right an were linkons hat? that must be a pic of him wen he got old
ha john is playin ye
That’s not Lincoln in the picture it’s Jefferson!!!
Jefferson? I thought that was Washington.
thats margaret thatcher said that. she led the underground railroad.
Well this is proof that Al Gore didn’t invent the internet. I knew it.
Not Werbert
Nu uh, that’s your mom!
the best part is, is that this “quote” is posted w/ a picture of ben franklin lmao
Actually John I think that picture is Ben Franklin although not a very good likeness. I’m thinking you knew that and your just acting like a retarded person to put people on …. works for me.
Pretty funny. Joh you’re an idiot.
John, that’s not Jefferson, it’s Ben Franklin…smh
I asked Linkins ghost and he’s pissed, the actual quote was ‘ 4 score and 7 cheezburgers ago…..”
That’s not Franklin, it’s FDR…
Lincoln’s a damn genius.
I love it how when someone makes a stupid comment, all these clever people assume the person is trolling. Sometimes, and I know it’s hard to believe, people really are just as stupid as they seem.
Bahahahahaha. I agree with Steve. Oh well. People can be stupid.
Jimbo da Bimbo
I’ve seen the same quote attributed to more than 20 different famous folks. People just make up stuff they wish that Joe Blow said and then “quote” him on their websites. Or they just don’t friggin’ know who the hell said something or they even make up a quote that they need to ‘buttress’ some stupid argument they’re making and add a famous name to give it more credence.
Fuggem all.
“I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba”
— Jesus Christ
“No, really, I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba”
Carl Sagan
“I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba of the world and Passaic NJ”
Hillary Clinton
“I am the way and the light and the big old holistic badooomba”
Kurt Vonnegut
Weird, all of the sudden, I feel 100 brain cells lighter…..
I didn’t know Abe could see the future??? He did know “The Secret!”
‘quote’ is a verb, bitches
trolled hard.
so thats trogdor right?
LOL so hard on these comments! you made my day people
Tri-sex Cat fox
That’s no moon! That Admiral Akbar!
The problem with quotes is that too many people tweet them to make themselves sound brilliant.
AAHAHAHAH, you guys r so dum, lincon wasnt even around when internet is,.
This is one of the smartest things Lincoln ever said. Very wise man.
John I guess you didn’t get the irony of this. Read the actual message of the quote.
you are a fucking idiot john
Omg I can’t stop laughing 🙂
Everyone above this line just got trolled.
lol 2 funny
Hurrrr, funneh stuffs up thar
john right an were linkons hat? that must be a pic of him wen he got old
ha john is playin ye
That’s not Lincoln in the picture it’s Jefferson!!!
Jefferson? I thought that was Washington.
thats margaret thatcher said that. she led the underground railroad.
Well this is proof that Al Gore didn’t invent the internet. I knew it.
Nu uh, that’s your mom!
the best part is, is that this “quote” is posted w/ a picture of ben franklin lmao
Actually John I think that picture is Ben Franklin although not a very good likeness. I’m thinking you knew that and your just acting like a retarded person to put people on …. works for me.
Pretty funny. Joh you’re an idiot.
John, that’s not Jefferson, it’s Ben Franklin…smh
I asked Linkins ghost and he’s pissed, the actual quote was ‘ 4 score and 7 cheezburgers ago…..”
That’s not Franklin, it’s FDR…
Lincoln’s a damn genius.
I love it how when someone makes a stupid comment, all these clever people assume the person is trolling. Sometimes, and I know it’s hard to believe, people really are just as stupid as they seem.
Bahahahahaha. I agree with Steve. Oh well. People can be stupid.
I’ve seen the same quote attributed to more than 20 different famous folks. People just make up stuff they wish that Joe Blow said and then “quote” him on their websites. Or they just don’t friggin’ know who the hell said something or they even make up a quote that they need to ‘buttress’ some stupid argument they’re making and add a famous name to give it more credence.
Fuggem all.
“I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba”
— Jesus Christ
“No, really, I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba”
Carl Sagan
“I am the way and the light and the holistic badooomba of the world and Passaic NJ”
Hillary Clinton
“I am the way and the light and the big old holistic badooomba”
Kurt Vonnegut
Weird, all of the sudden, I feel 100 brain cells lighter…..
I didn’t know Abe could see the future??? He did know “The Secret!”
‘quote’ is a verb, bitches
trolled hard.
so thats trogdor right?
LOL so hard on these comments! you made my day people
That’s no moon! That Admiral Akbar!
The problem with quotes is that too many people tweet them to make themselves sound brilliant.
Four Whores and Seven Beers Ago …..
That’s awesome!