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iPad 2 Announcement Coming February 9?

Despite that the iPad 2 is an unconfirmed, unannounced product rumored to be in development, there sure seems to be a lot of information floating around about it. Of course, most of what we know can be attributed to rumors and speculation, the latter of which yielded a new rumor: the iPad 2 will be announced on February 9.

Promo materials for the original iPad feature a calendar icon that reads January 27, which just so happens to be the date the device was announced in 2010, and some are claiming that the icon’s use of the date February 9 reveals Apple’s plans to announce the next iPad next month.

While a bit of a stretch, it wouldn’t be the first time Apple software engineers dropped an easter egg into iOS code, and February 9 seems to fall in line with rumors that the next iPad will arrive by the end of March.

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