Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Elizabeth Edwards Funeral
|Westboro Baptist Church, famous for protesting against gays and picketing at military funerals, has stated it plans to hold a protest at the public memorial of Elizabeth Edwards on Saturday. The service will be held at the Edenton Street United Methodist Church and begins at 1 p.m. in Raleigh, N.C.
USA Today reports the church plans on protesting for 90 minutes before the memorial starts. Edwards passed away Tuesday after a long battle with cancer in her home in Chapel Hill. Edwards was a supporter of gay marriage after a speech she gave in San Francisco in 2007.
One Comment
a church like yours thats always mentioning HELL you must really want to go there, how do you know that isnt you thats going there, instead of these people you claim to go to hell, how perfect are you,have you seen hell? do you know what its like! or cause you hear it from a book? experience it first then tell others. it might be a metaphor. The people you think that were going to hell might be in heaven and the ones like you christians might go to hell, how that! it is written. god is god.