Euthanized Dog Wakes Up
|It’s gut-wrenching enough to have to make the decision to let your dog go. Anyone who’s done it knows the agony. But a Redford, Michigan family may have to endure the unbearable: Having to euthanize their dog a second time.
Last week Matt Olivarez and his family said good-bye to Mia, their 10-year-old Rottweiler, who was suffering from severe spinal problems that left her in constant pain and unable to walk. Matt took her to the vet’s, watched sadly as the vet injected her twice, and brought her body home, wrapped in a blanket, so he and his family could bury her themselves.
When he returned from work hours later, he checked on his dead dog only to see that she was no longer dead. Mia had woken up from the lethal euthanasia cocktail — which apparently wasn’t quite strong enough.