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Month: April 2010

Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Date a Girl Gamer

If I was a betting man, I would wager that most of you would rather have a woman that plays video games versus one that doesn’t (all other things being equal). Well, this guy doesn’t think so and he made a top 10 list of the reasons why you shouldn’t date a girl gamer.

I’m not sure that there is a more terrible argument in the world, than an argument over how good/bad a game is, what game to play together, or even whose turn it is to play. They are obnoxious arguments that probably would never happen if dating a girl who didn’t play games.


The Big Picture – Earth Day 2010

Yesterday was Earth Day, since 1970 it’s been a day set aside to remember and appreciate the Earth’s environment, and all of our roles within it. As a way to help appreciate and observe our environment, I’ve collected 39 recent images here, each a glimpse into some aspect of the world around us, how it affects and sustains us, and how we affect it. Here’s hoping everyone had a great Earth Day yesterday.

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Mathematics of Greatness

As you glance upon each of these, keep in mind how true to life they really are. All of these things are happening at once. So many math equations, such magnificence. Michael Jordan. Muhammad Ali. Whoever these other people are. All masters. Masters of math.
