Category: Uncategorized
iPad + Velcro = Lame or Cool?
Although this video attempts to demonstrate the many obstacles you can overcome with Velcro, it seems to gloss over the fact that you will have ugly-ass strips of Velcro all over the places you want to put the iPad. Cool or FAIL?
iPod Vending Machine
Weird Clouds Look Even Better From Space
Under specific conditions, the towering, fluffy white clouds known as cumulonimbus can become flattened into the shape of an anvil. The anvil in the image above was captured by astronauts aboard the International Space Station as it crossed over western Africa in February 2008.
Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent than Morning People
Some people are night owls, and others are morning larks. What makes the difference may be their levels of general intelligence. However, humans, unlike other mammalian species, have the unique ability, consciously and cognitively, to override their internal biological clock and its rhythmic outputs. In other words, at least for humans, circadian rhythm is not entirely a matter of genetics.
Within broad genetic constraints, humans can choose what time to go to bed and get up. Humans can choose to be night owls or morning larks.
Can suicide bombers be funny?
Four Lions is a film that satirises a group of hapless Muslims who decide to blow themselves and others up during the London Marathon. It is directed by Chris Morris who was behind the TV series ‘Brass Eye’; and even though the subject maybe cause controversy he attempts to show us the funny side through his Jihads who are more like ‘Dad’s Army’ buffoons.