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Category: Funny

The Lunchtime Clock – Video

Have you ever wished your lunchtime was longer, but didn’t know where to find those few extra minutes? Well, wish no longer!

Thanks to great in advances in clock technology, I present to you a clock that speeds up 20% every day at 11:00 and slows down 20% every day at 11:48, giving you an extra twelve minutes of lunch to enjoy. Twelve minutes may not seem like a lot but, to put it into perspective, this is a full additional hour of lunchtime gained every week.

Smashed In The Face with a Wii

Just imagine if this chick was a PC gamer? Getting a fully loaded gaming rig to the face would have been way worse than a wimpy little Wii.

On Jan. 10, police arrested and jailed 31-year-old Rebecca Varina Sloskowski on second-degree assault charges for allegedly picking up the four-pound unit and hurling it at her 30-year-old boyfriend’s face. The man suffered two chipped teeth and a swollen lip.