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Terrafugia Transition Flying Car

It’s 2010, WHERE’S MY FLYING CAR? Actually, we may not have to wait much longer. A startup company called Terrafugia is close to producing a street-legal airplane:

The vehicle received a unique exemption from the U.S. government, which allows the production models to be 110 pounds heavier than a normal “light sport aircraft.” Manufacturers could not fit in safety features, like airbags and crumple zones, within the 1,320 pound weight limit.

The exemption will make it easier and cheaper to get a license–A U.S. light sport pilot’s permit only requires 20 hours of flying time.The two-seater vehicle uses its front-wheel drive on roads at ordinary highway speeds. But once it arrives at an adequate take off spot, it can extend its wings, take off and glide through the sky at 115 mph.


Big Picture – G20 Protests in Toronto

Last week, leaders of nations from both the G8 and G20 gathered in Ontario Canada, for meetings in in Huntsville and Toronto. Canadian authorities planning for the event spent an estimated $1 billion, mostly for security. Tens of thousands of protesters descended on Toronto, looking to have their voices heard on a broad range of issues, from indigenous rights to anti-capitalist ideals, to human and animal rights, and much more.

Many peaceful marches took place throughout the weekend, but on Saturday, a small group of “black bloc” anarchists became violent, smashing storefronts and burning several police vehicles. Harsher tactics and more arrests by the 20,000 police officers deployed to Toronto soon followed, although many of those arrested were released from a temporary G20 detainment center soon after.