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Author: luapo

To Those With Nothing, Soccer is Everything

Jessica Hilltout, a nomadic, Belgian-born photographer, loaded sacks of deflated soccer balls onto the roof of a battered yellow Volkswagen Beetle last year and began a seven-month road trip across Africa to document the continent’s love of the game.

She found it in villages where children played with joyous abandon on dusty patches of ground, sandy beaches and lush fields, far from the stadiums where Africa’s first World Cup would be held.

Artists Lose Out as Fans Stop Burning CDs

Revenues from blank CDs is half what it used to be just two years ago. Now the industry is looking at fees on hard drives and cell phones as an alternative.

We don’t currently receive any revenue from hard drives or telephones despite legislation decreeing that fees should apply to any products that are particularly suitable for piracy. The pattern we think we’re seeing is one of piracy moving to external hard drives and USB flash drives while telephones are being used for storage.”
