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Author: luapo

Is that a terabyte in your pocket, or…?

If you’ve been hankering for a multi-terabyte USB thumb drive, you may be in luck: IBM scientists have developed a technique that could — eventually — help increase data-storage densities by orders of magnitude.

The breakthrough, announced Friday, allows researchers to measure how long a bit of information can be retained in an individual atom. It does so by capturing, recording, and visualizing the magnetic properties of that atom in real time.

First World War officially ends

The final payment of £59.5 million, writes off the crippling debt that was the price for one world war and laid the foundations for another. Germany was forced to pay the reparations at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 as compensation to the war-ravaged nations of Belgium and France and to pay the Allies some of the costs of waging what was then the bloodiest conflict in history, leaving nearly ten million soldiers dead.

The initial sum agreed upon for war damages in 1919 was 226 billion Reichsmarks, a sum later reduced to 132 billion, £22 billion at the time. The bill would have been settled much earlier had Adolf Hitler not reneged on reparations during his reign.

When Live TV Gets Awkward

While Kelsey Martinovich was celebrating winning a car, a New York modelling contract, a $25,000 ad campaign, $20,000 cash and the cover of a national magazine, Sarah Murdoch’s drop jopped, she brought her hand to her mouth, started tearing-up and was left speechless. The coin-drop moment for Sarah Murdoch is at the 2’32” mark.