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Author: luapo

Who Is The Next Top Homeless Person – Is This Wrong?

WTF O’ the Day: Ted Williams, the Homeless Man with the Golden Voice, captured the hearts and minds of Americans everywhere with his “God-given gift” of mellifluous gab. So now the question must be asked: Could that homeless person you’ve been casually waving off actually be concealing a marketable talent worth exploiting? Fox 59 News investigates.

If You Walk Fast, You’ll (Probably) Live a Long Life

A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that a useful predictor of how long older adults live is how fast they walk. According to the report, people who walked 1 meter per second (about 2.25 mph) or faster consistently lived longer than others of their age and sex who walked more slowly.

Unfortunately, you can’t reach a ripe old age by changing your walking speed. According to researcher Dr. Stephanie Studenski, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh:

“Your body chooses the walking speed that is best for you, and that is your speed, your health indicator,” Studenski said. “And that’s what it really is: an indicator. Going out and walking faster does not necessarily mean you will suddenly live longer. You still need to address the underlying health issues.”


BitTorrent Hit 100 Million Monthly Users

Holy cow, BitTorrent has 100 million active users a month!?!? That’s a whole lot of Linux distros being shared!

uTorrent’s parent company BitTorrent Inc. just announced that the BitTorrent Mainline client and uTorrent combined have hit the milestone of 100 million monthly users. On an average day 20 million users from over 220 countries fire up one of the two BitTorrent clients. If that’s not enough, the company also reports that 400,000 new clients are downloaded every day.