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Month: October 2012

Are You An Internet Addict?

Don’t even try to deny it…you have all the symptoms. You, my friend, are an internet addict.

There is research showing that the internet can indeed act like a drug, and use of social networks has been linked with depression. Even the leaders of many popular online games and networks have recognized the importance of unplugging on occasion. But the idea of a professional organization attempting to codify and criticize something that feels so personal as time spent surfing the web has understandably given some folks the creeps.

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Bacteria That Produces Gold

At a time when the value of gold has reached an all-time high, Michigan State University researchers have discovered a bacterium’s ability to withstand incredible amounts of toxicity is key to creating 24-karat gold.

“Microbial alchemy is what we’re doing – transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that’s valuable,” said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics.

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Oops. Man Mistakenly Sexts Entire Contact List

Have you ever had that dream where you find yourself in a public place totally naked? Well, that must have been the feeling Craig Evans when he finally realized he had mistakenly sent lewd pictures to everyone on his phone’s contact list, including two under aged girls. Their parents were not amused

The appeals court agreed that it couldn’t conclude Evans had targeted any minor. For, indeed, he was targeting one person, who was entirely of age. It’s just that those BlackBerrys are very hard to operate. Or something.

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