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Month: February 2012

More Than 1,000 Man-Years Have Gone Into Developing Google Search

Google has put out an “Under The Hood” page to give people a look at what goes into making it a successful search engine. Here are a few wild statistics we learned:

Google handles more than 1 billion searches each day.
More than 1,000 man-years have gone into developing the Google search algorithm.
Since 2003, Google has answered 450 Billion new unique queries.
Every search query 1,500 miles on average to get the answer back to the user.

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Like Having 176 Floppies On Your Keychain!

Finding ancient computer hardware on the shelves at Wal-Mart isn’t surprising, it happens all the time. What makes this story funny is the employee’s response to the customer:

The cashier told me outright, “You’ll be bringing your kids in here some day, and these will still be here.” We had a good laugh about it, and he told me I should probably take a picture and share it with my friends.

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How Pixar screwed up cartoon cars for a generation of kids

The eyes of anthropomorphized cars are the headlights, not the windshield. And there’s no exceptions here. Having a cartoon car with the eyes in the windshield is wrong, just wrong. And that includes you, too, Pixar. Sure, you’ve done some amazing things, made some incredible movies, but you’ve also ruined the concept of anthropomorphism in cars for a generation of children. Can they recover? Maybe. But it would take nothing short of a remake of Cars and Cars II to even begin to undo the damage.

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Whatever Happened to the Kids From ‘Home Alone’?

The premise of the holiday classic ‘Home Alone’ — that a family would forget their eight-year old as they left on a trip to France — is fairly absurd.

Although when you consider how many kids the McCallister clan had to keep track of, maybe it’s not so absurd. We’ve kept track of all of the actors who played the McCallister youngsters, and you can learn about what they are up to below.

Then: Macaulay Culkin was already a recognizable face before ‘Home Alone’ thanks to his memorable role in ‘Uncle Buck,’ but it was the Wet Bandits-foiling tyke Kevin McCallister that made him easily the biggest child star since Shirley Temple.

Now: Culkin has had a handful of adult roles — most notably in ‘Party Monster’ and ‘Saved.’ But perhaps Culkin has been best known as of late for his nine-year relationship with actress Mila Kunis, which ended about a year ago, and for being a pallbearer at his good friend Michael Jackson’s funeral.

Then: In ‘Home Alone,’ Devin Ratray played Buzz McCallister, Kevin’s jerk of an older brother. During the early ’90s, he also played bullying characters in ‘Little Monsters’ and ‘Dennis the Menace.’ Clearly “the bully” is a role Devin was born to play.

Now: The 34-year old remains a working actor today with roles on ‘Law & Order: SVU’ and the upcoming Ryan Reynolds horror flick ‘R.I.P.D.’ In 2007, a documentary crew followed Ratray around as he attempted to win the heart of then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, resulting in the film ‘Courting Condi.’ So Buzz McCallister and Muammar Gaddafi had something in common.

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Do You Really Need a Password You Can Barely Remember?

Think of a word. A password. Make it at least eight characters long, but no more than 12. Don’t repeat any characters more than twice. Make sure it has at least one letter, and one number. In fact, it has to start with a number. You can’t use a user name or any password you’ve tried in the past. And finally, you have to use one of these characters somewhere in your password: ~!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]\|;:/?.,<>.

And try to make it memorable. You shouldn’t write it down, but you may need it again in a few months, when you come back to the website.

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