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Month: September 2011

Magnets On Your Brain May Keep You From Lying

Magnets on the brain may keep you from lying? What? Where are the magnets that keep people from getting grants for BS studies like this?

A new study shows that strategically-placed magnetic stimulation could potentially prevent your brain from being dishonest. Estonian researchers at the University of Tartu used a process known as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to determine the parts of the brain responsible for truthfulness and deceit. By stimulating these areas, the scientists were able to promote either an honest answer or a lie.

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You Know You’re Fired When…

A pricing error like this is bad enough without following it up with a massive reply-all e-mail error. On a related note, I think there might be an opening in this guy’s department tomorrow.

Last night, Cabela’s sent out an e-mail to the hundreds of customers who had tried to buy a the G-Floor Floor Protector in green (normally $209.99) for the ridiculously low price of $4.88, letting them know this was a mistake and their accounts would not be charged. The bigger problem is that the person at Cabela’s who sent out the e-mail forgot to Bcc the customers, thus giving out every other customer’s address.

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