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Month: June 2011

Biggest domino pyramid ever… almost

This would have been the biggest 3D domino pyramid on YouTube and very probably in the world (not a Guinness record though, they don’t have such a category yet), with a bottom layer of 27×27 dominoes and 13,482 pieces in total, but there seems to be some kind of Egyptian curse on domino pyramids.

Just for the few haters: I have a life… and you’re not exactly the right person to judge that just from having seen this video without ever even having met me.

Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind?

It was bedtime for Krista and Tatiana Hogan, and the 4-year-old twin girls were doing what 4-year-olds everywhere do at bedtime. They were stalling, angling for more time awake. Their grandmother, Louise McKay, who lives with the girls and their parents in Vernon, a small city in British Columbia, was speaking to them in soothing tones, but the girls resorted to sleep-deferring classics of the toddler repertory. “I want one more hug!” Krista said to their grandmother, and then a few minutes later, they both called out to her, in unison, “I miss you!”

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The First Trillionaires Will Make Their Fortunes in Space

It’s always interesting to me when people start bringing economics into such other worldly endeavors as space exploration. However financial gain will ultimately be the driving force to get us there.

Twenty trillion USD is the estimated market value of a relatively small metallic asteroid that was first calculated by John S. Lewis in his book Mining The Sky: Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and Planets. Lewis argued that “using presently available or readily foreseeable technologies, we can relieve Earth of its energy problem, make astronomical amounts of raw materials available, and raise the living standard of people worldwide.”

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