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Month: February 2011

7-Year-Old Kid Buys Harrier Jet Fighter Online

A 7-year-old kid came closer to realize every kid’s dream than any of us: He bought a real Harrier fighter jet for $113,000 on eBay. Yes, a Harrier Jump Jet T-Bird Aircraft XW269. The whole shebang, weaponry not included.

Sadly, his dreams were broken the same day, after his dad found out about the purchase and quickly contacted the company selling it—Jet Art Aviation—telling them the story and asking to cancel the sale. Obviously, they understood it and put it back on the auction block.

Wave Skiing Jaws – Chuck Patterson

Chuck Patterson is a former pro Freeskier, a professional Waterman, and one of the most fearless humans we’ve ever met. After a brief experiment with skiing on waves several years ago, Chuck’s passion for the idea was re-lit after watching Mike Douglas and Cody Townsend ski the waves of Maui in 2009. In January 2011, Chuck followed the biggest swell of the year to Maui, to see if he could see if he could successfully ski Pe’ahi or ‘Jaws’ — one of the most powerful waves on earth.