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Month: January 2011

New Zealand Woman Partially Paralyzed by Hickey

A New Zealand woman was temporarily partially paralyzed by a hickey on her neck from her amorous partner, AFP reported Friday.

The 44-year-old woman went to the emergency department of Middlemore Hospital in Auckland last year after experiencing loss of movement in her left arm while watching television, doctors reported in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

Doctors concluded the woman had suffered a mild stroke but were puzzled about its cause until they found a small vertical bruise on her neck near a major artery, a hickey, she received a few days earlier.

Woman Hangs Up on $10,000 Call from Apple

Congratulations, you are the winner of…..Hello?…Hello? Apple’s contest to find the 10 billionth downloader is finally over and the $10K prize was about to be awarded to the lucky winner. The only glitch was the lucky winner hung up on Eddy Cue, VP of iTunes, thinking he was a telemarketer.

You might wonder why Cue himself didn’t make the call. It could have been because it had, indeed, been Cue, rather than a telemarketer, who had made the original call and received a polite British brush-off.


Your Chance to Try NASA’s Beef Pot Roast

Forget astronaut ice-cream: This pouch of Beef Pot Roast is the real deal—a leftover from NASA’s Apollo lunar program—and it’s currently on sale to the highest bidder in an online auction.

Amazingly unappetizing but wholly unique freeze-dried “moon food.” This particular example, labeled “Beef Pot Roast,” measures 2 x 3.5 x 0.75 [inches] and rests within a 5 x 6.5 [inch] sealed pouch to which a nozzle is attached. The label also bears the simple heating instructions: “3 oz. hot water. 5—10 minutes.” All of the food was prepared by adding hot or cold water through the nozzle. The food was then squeezed into the mouth through a flat tube stored in the package. Food created for the Apollo missions was preserved through freeze-drying and vacuum-sealing, resulting in a product that kept their nutritional and “taste” qualities.

Burglars snort cremated man’s ashes

Burglars snorted the cremated remains of a man and two dogs in the mistaken belief that they had stolen illegal drugs, Florida sheriff’s deputies said Wednesday.

The ashes were taken from a woman’s home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores on Dec. 15. The thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes, along with electronic equipment and jewelry, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said.

Investigators learned what happened to the ashes after they arrested five teens in connection with another burglary attempt at a nearby home last week.

“The suspects mistook the ashes for either cocaine or heroin. It was soon discovered that the suspects snorted some of the ashes believing they were snorting cocaine,” the sheriff’s report said.