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Month: June 2010

The Motorcycle of the Future Has Arrived

This is the MotoCzysz E1PC. It is electric. It is almost certainly the most advanced motorcycle on the planet. And it is the future.

This bike is bad-ass, no two ways about it. It has a custom-built 12.5-kilowatt-hour lithium polymer battery that can be swapped in seconds. The custom-built, oil-cooled motor generates 100 horsepower (continuous) and 250 pound-feet of torque. It all hangs from a custom frame. Of course, it’s got the usual top-shelf hardware. Ohlins. Brembo.

Mario Brothers – BP Oil Edition

Dang this level is hard, you have to dodge the intermittent bursts from the bp pipeline and try to cap the main pipe with different things like mushrooms or coins before you run out of oxygen. So far no one has been able to beat it and if you die enough times the government finally steps in to help. – Das Chupa!
